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Ever feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and a lack of control? In this workshop, we’ll teach you how to stay calm and collected amidst the chaos using Critical Memory Integration (CMI) techniques. You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others, allowing you to navigate difficult interactions with empathy and insight.

You’ll learn practical tools to:

•   Stay grounded and composed when emotions run high
•   Respond with confidence and clarity instead of reacting
•   Transform stress into an opportunity for personal growth

Discover how to navigate life's challenges with clarity and intention—no matter what comes your way.

Estefana Johnson is the Clinical Director and an Advisory Board Member for ASA Now. Estefana has experience in treating multiple mental health conditions including complex adult and childhood trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. Workshop includes 

ASA Now Trainings 

Our goal is to provide trainings in a variety of areas including the utilization of Jacob's Law to obtain medical and behavioral health services in the Foster and Adoptive community. Training will be available to Caregivers, Respite providers, DCS workers, and other Professionals in related fields. Continuing Education Certificate will be provided for those in attendance.

“I highly recommend attending the class on Jacob's Law. This is the kind of tangible information I have been eager to get my hands on. I feel so much more confident understanding the law, my rights, and my foster child's rights. I am better prepared to advocate for those rights and protect my family after attending this training. I admire these amazing women who fought for Jacob's Law. Thank you Anika for leading such a great class last night!"                              --Shannon Juncker,  Foster & Adoptive Mom

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Navigating the child welfare legal system is perhaps one of the greatest challenges for families caring for a child in foster care. Navigating the judicial system can be disorienting, frustrating, humbling, and at times, deflating.

Join ASA Now and Stuart & Blackwell, PLLC for this workshop as we present the 5 things every foster and kinship placement should know about the legal system, including providing forms and worksheets to help you stay organized and understand what is happening in your child’s case.

For non-child/case specific questions, we ask that you submit question in advance HERE to ensure it is addressed during the presentation. Please note that your submission is anonymous.

Presenter will receive your questions in advance as they are received.

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: This service is offered for all the caregivers. Kinship, Foster, Adoptive and youth who have aged out of foster care.

Our trainings are OLR approved allowing foster parents to receive a 3 hour training certificate for attending. Check back regularly to choose from a variety of subjects. Volunteer to host a Class!


Behavior 101 - Children may exhibit poor behavior for any variety of reasons, so there’s no right or wrong way to explain their explosive behaviors and no one-size-fits-all approach to changing how they react. The key is to find explanations and interventions that are well matched to the child in your care and to your family. Join us in person or virtually as Carol Melim, LCSW provides new parenting tools to regain peace and balance in your home.

This workshop is part of our caregiver series intended to build up families and equip caregivers to interact authentically and effectively with at-risk children while practicing self-care in a safe and loving space.

Carol is known within the foster/adoptive community as the "RAD whisperer" and will be offering practical tools to help families feel empowered to make a difference in the lives of their children.  Workshop includes 

Copyright 2015. ASA Now. All Rights Reserved

  • Trainings for caregivers
  • Trainings for professionals
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Continuing Education hours
  • Community Awareness


Our CPR/First Aid course for Kinship & Foster Parents covers: recognition of emergencies, scene and patient assessment, activating 9-1-1, performing hands only CPR and using an AED, and basic first aid including choking, and injury prevention tips. Traditionally, a bystander who witnessed a cardiac event only performed CPR less than 20% of the time; and the expected survival rate was near 8%. People failed to perform for a number of reasons, but some common reasons are: not knowing what to do, fear of litigation, fear of injuring the victim, and fear of contracting a disease. Some of those reasons were well founded, but far-fetched. Our classes cover these topics, and much more!

Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a certificate for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years. CPR/First Aid Certification taught by Safety Nick with Home Hazard Prevention. This event is sponsored by Brittany Labadie from Lewis Labadie Law Firm.

Community Engagement:


ASA Now is proud to present an empowering and informative presentation: Jacob's Law (HB 2442). You will learn everything you need to know about your rights as a foster, kinship, or adoptive parent. Whatever your role in caring for at-risk children, we’d like to invite you to attend.


Jacob’s Law (HB2442) provides required timelines to access behavioral and urgent health services, requires a placement packet, provides protections for caregivers, protects caregivers against allegations or charges from the Department of Child Safety due to their children's mental illness and provides Out-of-Home request timelines. Participants will also learn how to get involved to effectively advocate for vulnerable children and families, how to influence positive change and ensure their voice is heard.

ASA Now seeks to engage the community to deepen the understanding of the need for families to receive, supportive assistance., their need for trainings to learn to advocate for the best interest of abused and neglected children. to ensure that each child's rights and needs are being attended to while in and out of foster care.. Our mission is to advocate, support and assist children and families whose lives have been impacted by foster care